Pumpkin Chip Bread

December's cookbook of the month is a classic - Joy of Cooking. Originally written  and self-published by Irma Rombauer in 1936,  this quintessentially American cookbook has sold more than 18 MILLION copies. We don't own it, but I knew someone in my family did, so we borrowed a copy of the 1997 edition from my... Continue Reading →

Cheese & Herb Monkey Bread

Growing up, when we were having a special treat or the whole extended family was together, my grandmother would make us her 'sticky buns.' Now that she has passed away, my mom thankfully has taken on the responsibility of the sticky bun making! It was only after I was probably in my mid-20s that I... Continue Reading →

Savory Casserole Bread

Ally: What is casserole bread? Honestly, I had no idea when I was first looking at this recipe. Not joking, I literally googled, "what is casserole bread." Basically, as best I can tell, it just means that you don't knead it or let it rise so much, and therefore, it's a much quicker and easier... Continue Reading →


So the other evening, I tried to flip the ceiling fan on (after Selim told me not to because he thought it was broken, but I forgot ok?!), and instead blew a fuse. I tried to flip the breaker back and it sent blue sparks at me. So I quit doing that. I may not... Continue Reading →

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