THE Chocolate Chip Cookies

Today is the day folks! We're finally blogging Selim's chocolate chip cookies, as we've been threatening since the beginning of this blog. Selim has been perfecting his chocolate cookies for years, and he finally has it down. There's a reason for everything. Obviously, perfect is in the eyes of the beholder, but he's tweaked it... Continue Reading →

Banana Chip Muffins

I've finally joined the club. I might be the only person who hasn't made banana bread (or muffins in this case) during this pandemic. I have embraced pandemic baking in general (see our other Pandemic Eats), though I also haven't joined the Make-Your-Own-Sourdough Club yet either. My lovely friend Mary Catherine brought me some fresh eggs from... Continue Reading →

Berry Pavlova with Chocolate Drizzle

The coronavirus pandemic has taken a lot of things from us collectively. Lives, health, daily freedoms, jobs, money... Some of these things are obviously more important than others. One of the things that it has taken is simultaneously trivial and powerful - our celebrations. No one is dying for lack of a birthday party, but... Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Chip Bread

December's cookbook of the month is a classic - Joy of Cooking. Originally written  and self-published by Irma Rombauer in 1936,  this quintessentially American cookbook has sold more than 18 MILLION copies. We don't own it, but I knew someone in my family did, so we borrowed a copy of the 1997 edition from my... Continue Reading →

Reese’s Pieces Bars

It's that time of the month again... end of the month treats! If it weren't for end of the month/end of a rotation treats, this blog would pretty much never have any dessert or baked goods on it. [Check out some of our previous end of the month treats, like... Strawberry Streusel Bars, Mint Chocolate Bars,... Continue Reading →

Chocolate Rugelach

We may have mentioned it once or twice, or a million times, but Selim definitely has the sweet tooth in this family. I could eat chips & dip for the rest of my life, but Selim could easily subsist on sweets, especially chocolate! We like to joke that he has a separate dessert stomach. It's... Continue Reading →

Chocolate Chip Waffles

Want to know a secret? I actually don't prefer chocolate chip waffles. I know this is blasphemy to the American public in general, and my husband in particular, but I really just like a plain ol' waffle. But today is Selim's birthday, so breakfast is to his preference, not mine. And let me tell you,... Continue Reading →

Mint Chocolate Bars

I had a great month of May in terms of a rotation I was doing for school. I loved it and learned so much! On my last day, I wanted to bring a little treat for the staff who taught me and worked with me for the past few weeks. I couldn't decide what to... Continue Reading →

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