Banh Mi Meatballs

The pandemic life means that we've been trying to limit our grocery store trips and only eating the food we have in the house. This has been good and bad for our cooking. It's forced some creativity that has been well-worth the effort, but other times it's just led to us eating the same thing... Continue Reading →

French Onion Meatballs

Ever eat a delicious bowl of french onion soup and think, 'wow, this is really good, but I wish I had some meat!' Yea, me neither, because a bowl of french onion soup is a treasure just how it is. BUT, if you were thinking that, you could turn to this handy recipe for French Onion... Continue Reading →

Mint & Feta Topped Eggplant

After making Minty Watermelon, Cucumber & Feta Salad last week, we had some leftover mint.  By "some leftover mint," I really mean, "Did this package of mint grow exponentially more mint?" I feel like it's pretty much impossible to use all the mint in a package and even more impossible to use all the mint that... Continue Reading →

Lemon-Lime Ricotta Cookies

This is our last batch of end-of-the-rotation thank you treats. Why? Because this week we are completing our LAST clinical rotation!! We graduate in almost exactly ONE MONTH, on May 11th! We're really looking forward to be gainfully employed adults again. But don't worry, we have one more delicious treat for this last month. These... Continue Reading →

Reese’s Pieces Bars

It's that time of the month again... end of the month treats! If it weren't for end of the month/end of a rotation treats, this blog would pretty much never have any dessert or baked goods on it. [Check out some of our previous end of the month treats, like... Strawberry Streusel Bars, Mint Chocolate Bars,... Continue Reading →

Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Soup

I don't know if you noticed, but we haven't shared too many posts this month so far (although our Sultan Selim Kofte was amazing & you should check it out!). A two-fold problem - we attempted a few recipes that we thought would be "blog-worthy," that just didn't turn out well, so we definitely couldn't... Continue Reading →

North African Wedding Soup

This is another one of the recipes that we decided to make this blog for... It's one of my favorite Pinterest finds, from what's become a favorite blog - Little Spice Jar. We always tweak our recipes a little bit and this was no different. But, per usual, we've forgotten the changes we made from the... Continue Reading →

Pumpkin Roll

I've had this recipe pinned for a long time, because I knew Selim would like it, but I found it really intimidating. When I bake, things just never turn out as pretty as the should. {I blame my friend/old roommate Terry - she is an amazing baker/dessert wizard. I'm just assuming that when we lived together, any... Continue Reading →

Chicken Saltimbocca Rollups

Saltimbocca is a traditional Italian dish, likely originating in Rome. The original dish is made with a veal cutlet, prosciutto, and sage. More recently, Italian-Americans have made the chicken version a tradition in and of itself. This Americanized recipe still traditionally uses sage, but we like to use our own fresh herbs from our mini... Continue Reading →

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