Southern Baklava

Selim's father is one of our most loyal blog readers. He's been telling us for years that we should try a twist on the traditional baklava that we usually make. Our baklava recipe is a fairly traditional Turkish one and incorporates tips from him. But he's been suggesting that we try to make a Southern twist... Continue Reading →

Spinach & Feta Börek

Now that we've started using filo dough (see: Baklava - we've made it twice since posting it!), we've gained a little bit of confidence in working with the thin, finicky dough. So I knew Selim would want to tackle börek next. He loves börek - although it's kind of hard to say it's his favorite... Continue Reading →


Filo dough can be very intimidating to work with.  It's hard to find, not used in American cuisine, and requires patience to handle.  We learned that filo dough originated in the kitchens of Topkapı Palace, where the Sultans of the Ottoman Empire once lived.  When people think of filo dough, most think of decadent sweets... Continue Reading →

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