Baked Beef Empanadas

Just a few weeks ago, we shared our Farewell Columbia homage to our food faves from our home for the past three-ish years. One of Ally's favorite things to do in Columbia was to walk up and down the market, pretending like she might branch out, but then settle back on her favorite empanadas for... Continue Reading →

Slow Cooker Chicken Enchilada Soup

I don't know if you noticed, but we haven't shared too many posts this month so far (although our Sultan Selim Kofte was amazing & you should check it out!). A two-fold problem - we attempted a few recipes that we thought would be "blog-worthy," that just didn't turn out well, so we definitely couldn't... Continue Reading →

Sopa de Fideo (Almost)

As is my usual plan, when I'm uninspired and looking for something to make, I turn to a) the internet and b) a random cuisine from around the world. Is it because I'm American and have always eaten "American" food, that I think it's the least interesting cuisine out there? Or is it because legitimate... Continue Reading →

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